_ Case studies and best practices for engineering leaders

Engineering Leader’s blog

Learn from some of the most accomplished engineering leaders. This blog brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers and tech leaders to level-up your management skills and to take your developer team to the next level.

The Serverless Security Conundrum: Who Manages Security?

by Tal Melamed / August 16, 2018

The idea of ‘serverless’ is NOT about removing the servers completely (or you couldn’t use the internet at all), but essentially paying for services that mean that someone else manages the servers for you, thereby reducing maintenance load…

Not having access to the server can make things harder, but not impossible. And it’s not necessarily wrong, just different.

And the same applies to securing serverless apps. In some ways, it’s easier than securing traditional web apps. In other ways, it’s harder. And in yet other ways, it’s merely different. 

In this post, we’ll summarize these key differences and help you secure serverless apps.

Testing Distributed Systems: Case Studies from the Pros

by Tamás Török / June 14, 2018

Figuring out how to test complex, distributed systems causes a lot of headaches. And the thing is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Distributed systems serve a specific need, so its architecture is built in a way to serve that business need. Chances are, the testing methods vary as well, and I haven’t even mentioned the number of independent services that also influences the testing methodology. 

Since it’s impossible to come up with a universal answer for testing distributed systems, we did interviews with 6 cool tech leaders to reveal their methods of testing. 

In this post, they will talk about how their systems work and the methods they use to test them.

Software Development Trends 2018: Research and Data

by Tamás Török / April 11, 2018

State of Software Development 2018 report

Software development evolves super-fast. A tool or framework used today might be obsolete tomorrow. Our intention is to take a snapshot of the industry, track how it evolved in the past and make an educated guess as to where it’s heading. This year’s report will give you the data you need to benchmark your activities against other survey participants, get some insights to further improve your developer team and keep up with the rapidly changing industry.

Microservice Architecture: All the Best Practices You Need to Know

by Tamás Török / November 30, 2017

Switching to a microservice architecture seems easy, but tech leaders tend to underestimate the complexity of the project and make disastrous mistakes. Before transforming your monolithic system into microservices, or starting one from scratch, you need to carefully consider the technological and organizational challenges that will arise.

NoSQL vs Relational Database File Storing (MongoDB and SQL Server Comparison)

by Barna Burom / October 9, 2017

When you as a software developer start examining a new project’s specifications that just arrived at your team, you start planning the architecture. Every application uses data handling and storing, so you will need a database. Nowadays, there are tons out on the market, so you can become confused with which one to choose. Well, it highly depends on what your soon to be app is about. In this blog post, we will discuss the opportunities of file storing with relational and NoSQL databases through the comparison of MongoDB and SQL Server.

How to Develop a Cordova Android Plugin

by László Csele `Lacka` / September 27, 2017

I decided to make a plugin, which is more advanced than showing just a native toast message on a device, so I chose the acceleration sensor access from a cross-platform app. In this blog post, I show you how to develop a native Cordova plugin for Android.

How to Easily Set-up Node Config Following These Best Practices

by Ákos Szokodi / August 7, 2017

When building any kind of server side app, you will eventually have the following thoughts:

  • I would like to bind my app to a specific port.
  • I would like to enter a connection string so I can connect to my database.
  • I would like to use a third-party service through a provided API key or credentials.

Given values to these kinds of parameters will yield a configuration. It is a crucial part of the system as our application will have lots of configurable elements, so it must be handled properly throughout the codebase.

In this article, we will look at the DOs and DON’Ts of Node config handling.