_ Case studies and best practices for engineering leaders

Engineering Leader’s blog

Learn from some of the most accomplished engineering leaders. This blog brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers and tech leaders to level-up your management skills and to take your developer team to the next level.

Scaling Distributed Engineering Team: Managing Fast Growth in Remote

by Gábor Zöld / January 8, 2020

Level-up Engineering Podcast #7

How do you scale a distributed engineering team?

It doesn’t involve just hiring more people, but also scaling communication, defining processes, making the culture strong enough and defining the vision, so you can build the new team on a solid foundation. It’s layers upon layers of work with no end. Juan Pablo Buritica, ex-VP of Engineering at Splice has managed it more than once, and explains how he pulled it off in this interview.

Managing Distributed Developer Teams: Zenput's Case Study

by Gábor Zöld / December 18, 2019

Level-up Engineering Podcast #6

In software development it's more likely now than ever, that as a manager, you'll face the challenge of leading a fully or at least partially distributed developer team. It's a brand new thing for everyone, but Tim Olshansky, current VP of Engineering at Zenput has faced this already. In this interview he shares what he learned on managing distributed developer teams over the years, and gives you actionable tips on making it work as well as possible.

Backlog vs. Specification: Why Backlog Beats Specification?

by Balazs Tornai / December 12, 2019

Specifications are well-loved by managers, because they detail every tiny step up-front. A specification builds a nice hierarchy, and it makes you think that once you hand it over to the developers, they follow it to the letter. This isn't how it works though. You need more flexibility, and a Backlog provides you exactly that.

Training Engineering Managers: This Is The Way to Keep Growing

by Gábor Zöld / December 4, 2019

Level-up Engineering Podcast #5

Recruiting experienced software engineering managers is a tough job, and you can't possibly keep up the pace during rapid growth. You should start training engineering managers on top of hiring, homegrown talent often works out better in the long run. But training software developers to become engineering managers is far from trivial.

We interviewed Matt Greenberg to learn how he handles this challenge.

Psychological Safety: The Foundation to Build Your Team’s Success

by Gábor Zöld / November 7, 2019

Level-up Engineering Podcast #4

Sometimes, teamwork gets tiring, communication gets weird, fresh ideas are rare and far between, and people are more likely to jump down each other’s throats. Sound familiar? Building psychological safety could help you fix all that. We interviewed Dan Rummel, Senior Director of Engineering at One Medical on this topic.

Developer Burnout: How Can a Manager Spot It and Stop It

by Gábor Zöld / September 25, 2019

Developer burnout is a real killer problem. It kills projects, companies, and careers. So we put together a list of the signs you can catch the reasons you should be looking at and the things you can do to counter developer burnout. All actionable tips based on real-life experience.