_ Case studies and best practices for engineering leaders

Engineering Leader’s blog

Learn from some of the most accomplished engineering leaders. This blog brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers and tech leaders to level-up your management skills and to take your developer team to the next level.

Software Development Trends 2020: Latest Research and Data

by Gábor Zöld / March 18, 2020

State of Software Development 2020 report

Level-up Engineering Podcast #13

Software development trends come and go rapidly. A tool or framework used today might be obsolete tomorrow. We take a snapshot of the industry every year, to see how it has evolved, and make an educated guess as to where it’s headed.

The 2020 report gives you the data you need to benchmark your activities against other survey participants, get insight from others walking in your shoes to improve your developer team and keep up with the industry.

Keep Up with Technology Trends as a Tech Leader

by Gábor Zöld / January 30, 2020

Keeping up-to-date with the technology trends is absolutely essential for tech leads and engineering managers. Sharpening your managerial skills is just as important if you are to succeed at your job. But how to do it?

In this post we're taking a look at how successful tech leaders stay current with the trends, and what are the best ways to find great content, and the best format to consume them in.

Code Review: Create The Culture, Learn The Best Practices

by Gábor Zöld / July 17, 2019

Code review is one extremely powerful tool in a developer team’s arsenal, yet it’s often neglected or used in a way that leads to toxic behavior, causing more harm than good. Code reviews done right can help your team share knowledge, which helps with mentoring interns and juniors tremendously, but experienced developers can always improve as well.