_ Case studies and best practices for engineering leaders

Engineering Leader’s blog

Learn from some of the most accomplished engineering leaders. This blog brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers and tech leaders to level-up your management skills and to take your developer team to the next level.

Engineering Management Trends in 2022 Based on Research Data

by Gábor Zöld / May 26, 2022

State of Engineering Management 2022 report

Level-up Engineering Podcast #63

We bring you tangible insight into the latest engineering management trends based on data we gathered from hundreds of engineering leaders all over the globethe globe. We cover topics like self-improvement, hiring, retention, people management, engineering brand, diversity, and more.

Top Methods for Building Trust in Virtual Teams

by Gábor Zöld / March 31, 2022

Level-up Engineering Podcast #60

Interview with Anand Safi, Senior Engineering Leader at Mark43. He covers methods and metrics for building trust in virtual teams while telling his story of taking over a newly founded remote team and scaling it up.

Customer Obsession in Action - Case Study from Mailchimp

by Gábor Zöld / February 16, 2022

Level-up Engineering Podcast #57

Interview with Maura Kelly, VP of Engineering at Mailchimp about injecting customer obsession into software engineering. She details organizing an event to actualize customer obsession and promote it across every level of the company and shares everything she's learned along the way.